Monday, March 7, 2011

I Can Hardly Wait!!

Hi Everyone!
I am really sorry that I haven't had any blog updates lately. My Humans haven't been able to take me on their trips because they were going on something called an "airplane". They said that I would not like it because I couldn't sit in the seat next to them and would have to ride in a scary place full of luggage. So when they are gone, my friends Tom and Jan watch me or either Human Mom (HM) or Human Dad (HD) stay home with me.

HM says that I will get to go on a trip in two weeks because they are driving the "Daisy Mobile" and I can stay with them at the hotel. We are going to a place called "Moab". HM says I will like it because I will get to go hiking (I love hiking!) and get to see Castle Valley where HM says I own 5 acres. I didn't even know about it, so I'm very excited to sniff it to see who has visited. HM says deer sometimes migrate across my land and they may have left me an antler to chew on. That will be so cool!

I can hardly wait to get in the Daisy Mobile and go! In the meantime HM and HD are taking me for lots of walks so I can go on big walks when I get to Moab. Soon I will get to tell you all about Moab. In the meantime, I want to share a couple of photos that HM took while we were hiking on my favorite trail (Overton trail) at Cave Creek Regional Park a couple weeks ago.

I love hiking here. It's so pretty and there are so many smells. If you look close you will see there is white stuff on the mountains. HM says that is called "snow". I've never seen that before!

HM and I run the trail and that's why my tongue is hanging out. We were running and she made me stop but I wanted to keep going. Right after she took my photo we started to run again. HM isn't as fast as me so I have to slow down for her. I still love her though.

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