Saturday, August 20, 2011

My trip to Summerlin, Nevada (by Las Vegas)

Howdy Humans! You all know how much I love jumping in the "Daisy Mobile" and going with my Human Parents (HPs) to new places. Well, this time we went to a place I have been before as a puppy—Summerlin, Nevada.

Human Mom said she was going to do a "night run" along the Extraterrestrial Hwy.... I really don't know what that meant but I didn't care cause it meant I got to go for a car ride!

This was a really good car ride because my HPs "pimped" my ride with some new doggy comforts. Human Dad (HD) bought this little cover thing for the car. The only bad thing was I couldn't stick my face in the front seat and lick my HD's arm or anything. They liked it and so I guess I like it too.

Human Mom (HM) went to a home improvement store called "Lowes" and bought two thick pieces of mat (she called it "fatigue matting"). It made the back of the folded down seats soft and cushioned. I loved how comfortable it was and slept almost the entire car ride. I think I love riding in the car even more now!

We stayed at the Element (by Westin Hotels) again. This hotel is very doggie friendly and my HPs like it because it has comfy beds, a kitchen and close to a big grassy park where I can run around. I love that park. I found a tennis ball there and played with it on my last walk there.

I was at the Element when I was a puppy and HM was taking running coach classes. She was surprised that I remembered it. Yep, I walked through the sliding glass doors into the lobby like I owned that place! And when we got to the room, I jumped on the couch, bed and was very excited cause I like this place as much as my HPs do.

We had a great weekend together. The only thing I didn't like is when HD dropped HM off at some place I had never been before. We went back to the Element without her and I was worried about her all night. HD said she would be "fine" and she was with lots of other humans running during the night. I felt much better and soooooooo happy when we went to pick her up in the morning. She was tired, so I took a nap with her. After we woke up we went on an adventure to Red Rocks. HM got sandwiches and we went for a picnic. I had a lot of fun and the views were really pretty.

Daisy Dog Review
I gave this same trip 3.5 paws (4 being the best) when I was a puppy. I think that was because restaurant's in the Las Vegas area are still not very friendly to dogs. However, on this trip I want to give the Summerlin Park 4 paws and the Element 4 paws. They really made it all fun for me. As for Las Vegas area overall-- when they let doggies sit outside with their HPs to have dinner, then it will get 4 paws. Until then they only get 3.5 paws.

This is the new "cover" for the back seat my HD got. I can still see my HPs but I have this little barrier between the seats. No matter, I was super comfy and could sleep the whole trip.

Our Red Rocks picnic spot. That's my ear in the bottom left of the photo... and HD at the picnic table.
This was a shady cool place on a hot day.

Me on top of picnic table. Ha, ha HM... I got up here all by myself!

Me & HD at Red Rocks. I totally love him and he is making me smile!

Me and HM at Red Rocks. Isn't it pretty here?
HM says we'll come back next year too. Arf!